Sarah's House of Maine
Sarah Robinson was a remarkable human being… words on a page cannot describe her. Her laugh, smile, and sense of humor, coupled with her love for people, generosity and strength made her incredibly unique. Sarah was born a twin in Greenville, Maine and moved to the town of Dexter at the age of three with her family.
In 2010, Sarah complained of lack of feeling in her left arm, and Lindsay, a nurse, quickly decided to take Sarah to the EMMC emergency room. Multiple tests were done before an MRI detected a brain tumor. Sarah’s fight began quickly that spring. She underwent an open-awake craniotomy in Boston to remove the tumor and then had chemotherapy and radiation treatments using state-of-the-art technology at the Lafayette Cancer Center in Brewer. It was during her treatment in Brewer that the idea of a Cancer Hospitality House first began.
Sarah’s idea was born out of interactions with two women that were receiving radiation treatment at the Lafayette Cancer Center at the same time Sarah was there. These women were both traveling great distances to get to treatments. One woman came from Eastport — five hours round trip, every day, five days a week, for six weeks! Sarah couldn’t imagine the added hardships caused by travel to and from the Cancer Center, and she said, “they can just stay the night at our house. Let’s go buy bunk beds and set them up downstairs for people to sleep on.” Sarah knew that buying bunk beds was not the solution to a much bigger problem, and she was serious about the idea of helping these patients find a place to stay. She took her idea to the Old Town Rotary Club where it picked up support and momentum. “It needs to be bigger; we need a house!” she said.
And so it was born, the idea to build a cancer hospitality house to serve our region and the biggest, most rural part of our state. Sarah met with the people she knew through Rotary and her work in the community, and the process of creating the future Sarah’s House began.
Sarah was featured as a cancer survivor the summer before she passed and was quoted: “It was in my battle with cancer that I found my purpose for living.” In August of 2011, Sarah’s cancer returned. This time an operation was not possible. With her sense of humor intact and her courageous spirit unbroken, Sarah spent her last days at home with her loving family and friends. Her family all said the same things about her near the end: “She made us laugh every single day. She was not afraid…her faith was so strong…”
Sarah Lunette Robinson, 26, died Sunday, December 4, 2011.
The mission of Sarah’s House is to provide temporary lodging in a comfortable “home away from home” environment to cancer patients (and their caregivers) receiving treatments at Cancer Care. We serve a vast area for cancer treatment, and convenient lodging is essential for these people. At Sarah’s House, we provide not only an affordable place to stay, but a supportive and caring atmosphere centered around hope and healing. Referred guests are served with integrity and respect and without regard to financial resources.

Penquis Valley Athletics
It is certainly no secret that all four committee members attended Penquis Valley High School. Every time we put on this tournament, we keep that in mind for a few reasons.
First, we all benefited from our experiences when we were at Penquis. We all played sports of some sort and made unforgettable (mostly hilarious) memories while in this building.
Second, we understand the importance of remembering your roots. Our wonderful community has helped shape all of us. Something we often reflect on.
Lastly, Penquis is located in one of the most underserved areas in the state, if not the nation. High poverty rates, low socioeconomic status, and harsh weather conditions take a toll. But time and time again, this community bounces back. We are here to help with that.
We are excited to announce that one of this year's recipients will be Penquis Valley Athletics! We've heard through the grapevine that the side basketball hoops in the gymnasium may be in need of replacement. Hardly a surprise, because we are almost certain those hoops are older than our committee age combined! We look forward to improving pieces of the school that shaped our young adulthood and giving back to the community that continues to lift us up.
All donations to recipients in 2017 were made in honor of Sheilah Bissell and Paul McKusick.

Nickerson Family

PAWS of Milo

Stuff the Bus

Brownville Rec.

Devon's Scholarship

Coats & Boots Fund

Milo Rec.